ME 171
 Computer  Programing   Language

"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand.
Good programmers write code that humans can understand."
                                                    - Martin Fowler (Software Developer)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer Programming Language
Introduction to Computer Programming Language, Machine Language, Assembly Language vs. Programming Language, Overview of Different Programming Language.

Lecture 2: Introduction to C
Introduction to C Programming Language, Keywords, Identifiers, ASCII Character Code

Lecture 3: Variables, Data Types, I/O
Variable Declaration, Definition, and Initialization, Constants, Different Data types and their storage, Input and Output of C, Data file Handling.

Lecture 4: Operators, Operands and Expressions
Operatots and their Expressions with applications

Lecture 5: Control Flow
Control Statements in C (if, switch), Looping (for, while, do while), break and continue statements and their uses

Lecture 6: Algorithms: Sorting
Algorithms, Different types of Sorting algorithms.

Lecture 7: Introduction to PYTHON
Python programming language, its importance and applications, Interactive prompt

Lecture 7: Variables, Conditions, Loops, Functions and Scripting in Python
Variables, strings and list, input scheme in python, statement control, loops and functions in python, changing directory, script file writing and executing.

Submit the assignment to respective Class Representatives. They will submit to me at the submission date (to be announced).

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